Thursday, September 10, 2009

Getting a job online will work!

I had a bit of a realization today and I wanted to share it with all of you. As many of you know, I too am looking for an entry-level job in advertising. What I feel makes this blog so different is that it is a job advice forum created through the eyes of a fellow job seeker. I too am on this entry-level job search, seeking advice and then applying it to my own process.

Enter advice:

I have been applying to quite a few places via the internet, and today I received an email back from one. It wasn’t that wonderful interview I was hoping for, actually it was the complete opposite; a nicely written and personalized rejection. In this situation most would be upset by the outcome but I was quite happy. It sucks that I didn’t get it, but I now know they read my application and my cover letter. The company told me they received 100s of responses, and went through all of them. This made me realize that in order to get a job via online; you must keep pushing and responding to the online posts despite rejection and disappointment.
In general, keep in mind that people will read what you send. If you are determined enough to brush off rejection and keep on plugging, it’s only a matter of time before a company wants what you have and calls you in.
Do not give up! Keep trying, and it will happen.

-That’s all for now, Alex


  1. I really liked this blog. Alex, you're such a positive person and I'm glad you could find the good in this. I'm actually looking for a new job, myself. I'm a little scared, but I think you're right. The consistency, the will power, and the focus are what can really drive the ball home.

    Thanks for this! Bitch, you inspire.

  2. You're on your way to finding a great job. Detroit needs planners, try Global Hue and other agencies there. Chicago has more agencies, of course NYC offers many more opportunities, try Ada Alpert a recruiter there.

    There are also some planner groups on Facebook you may want to join as well.

    The economy is limping it's way back to good health, so I'm sure you will land something soon. If you haven't yet, try Creative Circle for freelancing.
