Hey Everyone!
I contacted Curve Detroit (www.curvedetroit.com), a real friendly, interesting agency. An awesome person named Chris was able to offer some so cool "big picture" advice. Here it is...
1. Be Creative - I know this sounds cliche, but every agency has the pick of the litter. So the next time you decide to send your resume along to be considered with the pack, take a second and study the target audience you are going for and what might make a lasting impression on them. Whether it is a funny and creative cover letter, or a hot dog stand selling your resume with mustard, be different.
2. Have Confidence. How you handle yourself is how you are going to handle client work. Step up, be sturdy and bat.
3. Be Polite. This is an obvious answer but still effective, sometimes things don't work out. The new guy they were going to hire moved to Alaska. Who else was nice that I interviewed?? Don't burn any bridges, even if you think you may not have a shot, thank the interviewer, send a thank you card after ... and smile. Karma finds a way.
"How do you think finding an advertising job in Detroit differs from other markets?"
I feel that the market is seeing the end of an era. However, with this end comes a new start. I am seeing jobs in 3D design, video production, gaming, and other lesser known "marketing" areas. This is a time of transition, with change comes a bit of a learning curve. Detroit is in a wonderful position to see these changes, if we adapt. I am hopeful we can.
Thanks a bunch Chris, you rock my face off :).
Being polite does go a long way. I believe that's how I was able to get the confidence of my coworkers and bosses. Sometimes going out of your way to do some small thing that is nice can earn respect among your peers. I tried it, and it worked. The opposite is true if your lazy and rude.
ReplyDeleteI'd definitely second the polite factor. It seems like it'd be common sense, but at my organization, a job candidate absolutely will not get a call-back if they don't send at least a thank-you email. Personalized cards are better. Also, it's important to take the time to spell-check and grammar-check your application. A resume or cover letter with typos, grammatical errors, etc. will get tossed in the trash faster than you can say "why didn't I get called for that job?"