Hello everyone!
I am so happy! I was able to talk to a great person at Team Detroit! As many of you may have realized, I really really wanted to get that agency on this site. YAY!
But, I've been so busy planning this Chicago trip, which is honestly still not fully planned, that I haven't had time to put it up. It will be up by Saturday, I promise! It's a GREAT interview so I hope you are all as excited as I am. :)
I've had a bit of trouble finding places to interview in Chicago so if any of you have any connections I could 'jump on' please e-mail them to me.
I won't be able to bring my computer to Chi town, so I will be making baby updates from random computers I find along the way. I plan to have the Chicago interviews up by Monday.
I'm a bit nervous about this trip for some reason, but I'm going to dive in and see what happens. Wish me luck!
P.S. ATTN CARL: I wanted the picture of this post to be our Chicago squirrel, but I left the file on my other computer.
Well next time you get to a computer its on my facebook. haha. oh lord, i can't believe Erin touched that thing. haha